The auth command is used to authenticate the CLI to the Scale API. This is a required step before using the Scale Registry. It is not required to work with Scale Functions locally.


To login to the Scale API, run the following command:

scale auth login

This command will attempt to open the browser and undergo a Device Authorization Flow with the Scale API. If the browser cannot be opened, the CLI will print a URL and a code that can be used to login to the Scale API.

The scale login command is an alias for scale auth login. You can use either command to login to the Scale API.

Using an API Key

To login to the Scale API using an API Key, run the following command:

scale auth login --api-key <API_KEY>

You can also use the SCALE_API_KEY environment variable to login to the Scale API using an API Key.


To logout of the Scale API, run the following command:

scale auth logout

This command will remove the authentication token from the CLI and disable the session.


To check the current authentication status, run the following command:

scale auth status

This command will print the current authentication status, including the user’s email address and their organization name.