The registry command is used to interact with the Scale Registry. reg is an alias for registry.

The ‘registry’ is used with both functions and signatures, and, as such, the aliases fn and sig can be used, respectively.

This reference page assumes you have already installed the Scale CLI, and are authenticated with your Scale account.

Using the Scale Registry is completely free during our beta period. To learn more about our future plans for the Scale Registry, please join the #scale channel on our Discord.


Push a Function

To push a function to the registry, use the push command:

scale registry function push [<org>/<name>:<tag>]

The function must be built and available locally in the function cache to be pushed to the registry.

The --override-name, --override-org, and --override-tag flags can be used to override the name, organization, and tag of the function, respectively.

The --public flag can be used to make the function public, meaning it can be pulled by anyone.

Pull a Function

To pull a function from the registry, use the pull command:

scale registry function pull [<org>/<name>:<tag>]

The function will be pulled from the registry and stored in the function cache. If the function is already in the cache, it will not be overwritten unless the --force flag is used.

List a Function

To list all functions in your user’s organization in the Scale Registry, use the list command:

scale registry function list

The --org flag can be used to list functions in a specific organization, but it must be an organization you are a member of otherwise only public functions in that organization will be listed.

Delete a Function

To delete a function from the Scale Registry, use the delete command:

scale registry function delete [<org>/<name>:<tag>]


Push a Signature

To push a signature to the registry, use the push command:

scale registry signature push [<org>/<name>:<tag>]

The signature must be built and available locally in the signature cache to be pushed to the registry.

The --override-name, --override-org, and --override-tag flags can be used to override the name, organization, and tag of the signature, respectively.

The --public flag can be used to make the signature public, meaning it can be pulled by anyone.

Pull a Signature

To pull a signature from the registry, use the pull command:

scale registry signature pull [<org>/<name>:<tag>]

The signature will be pulled from the registry and stored in the signature cache. If the signature is already in the cache, it will not be overwritten unless the --force flag is used.

List a Signature

To list all functions in your user’s organization in the Scale Registry, use the list command:

scale registry signature list

The --org flag can be used to list functions in a specific organization, but it must be an organization you are a member of otherwise only public functions in that organization will be listed.

Delete a Signature

To delete a signature from the Scale Registry, use the delete command:

scale registry signature delete [<org>/<name>:<tag>]